Analisis Ekspor Lidah Buaya (Aloe Vera) Kalimantan Barat” (Studi Kasus Ekspor Ke Negara Malaysia)
The development of non-oil and gas exports, a very important role in the development of the national economy with strategic policies that need to be improved for West Kalimantan Province is the commodity of Aloe Vera, which is one of the agricultural products that has competitiveness in the international market. So that government and private investment continues to be encouraged to increase the production and quality of aloe vera commodities. The results show that the value of the quantity of aloe vera export to Malaysia shows that there is a positive relationship. Whereas to see whether the results of the research model estimation are theoretically meaningful and are statistically significant, a "priori" economic criteria test and statistical criteria test will be conducted. The economic "a priori" criteria test is done by comparing the suitability of the sign between the regression parameter coefficients and the theory in question. If the regression parameter coefficient is in accordance with the principles of economic theory, then the parameter has passed the test.